Centrifugal pumps

Self-priming centrifugal pump S


The self-priming centrifugal pump S can be used to pump fluids with solids up to 80 mm. This pump series is able to pump abrasive fluids and fluids containing air due to the special construction.

  • Self-priming
  • Free passage 15 – 80 mm
  • Heavy duty
  • Suitable for abrasive fluids
  • ATEX optional

The pump can be pro­duced in cast iron, stain­less steel or bronze. Also a com­bi­na­tion of dif­fer­ent ma­te­ri­als is pos­si­ble.

Tech­ni­cal data:

  • Q max.: 600 m³/h
  • H max.: 55 m
  • max. nom­i­nal pres­sure: PN16 (16 bar)
  • Con­nec­tions: DN40 to DN200

Submersible pump UNIQA


UNIQA se­ries pumps, de­signed for heavy-duty pro­fes­sional ap­pli­ca­tions, are used in
in­dus­trial and other waste­water treat­ment plants and for lift­ing sewage and pump­ing waste­water which con­tains solids.

De­pend­ing on the re­quire­ments, each model com­prises a mo­tor-hy­draulics com­bi­na­tion cho­sen to pro­vide op­ti­mal per­for­mance at the duty point, low en­ergy  use, and high re­li­a­bil­ity, thanks to the use of the ma­te­ri­als best suited to the type of ap­pli­ca­tion.

The en­tire range is avail­able in the DRY  ver­sion, which re­quires no ex­ter­nal liq­uid in­puts and al­lows the elec­tric pump to op­er­ate con­tin­u­ally even if par­tially sub­merged or in­stalled in a dry cham­ber.


  • vor­tex im­peller (ZUG V) with full free pas­sage
  • chan­nel im­peller (ZUG OC) with anti-clog­ging and anti-foul­ing sys­tem
  • high head im­peller (ZUG HP) ca­pa­ble of high hy­draulic per­for­mances
  • im­peller with grind­ing sys­tem (ZUG GR) for use with soiled liq­uids and fil­a­ments
  • im­peller with Chop­per sis­tem (ZUG CP) able to cut par­ti­cles of any shape of pro­por­tion
  • ATEX pos­si­ble
  • 1,8 to 355 kW motor IE3


The pump can be produced in cast iron, stainless
steel or bronze. Also a combination of different materials is possible.

Tech­ni­cal data:

  • Q max.: 5760 m³/h
  • H max.: 100 m
  • Immersion depth: max. 20 m
  • Temperature fluid: max. 60°C (auf An­fra­ge bis 80°C)
  • Connections: DN50 – DN600

Gesamtübersicht Arbeitsbereich

Gesamtübersicht Arbeitsbereich Pumpe